San Jeronimo Palantla , Chilapa, Guerrero

This remote village has a unique and colorful costume which is a confection of pleats, lace and applique. 

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The day I bought the dress in 2001

When we look through the static lense of the camera these look loud and bright,  however when the women walk in the we can see they are ellegant. The seamstress and her helper hung the pieces on the barbed wire fence as I video taped them. 

San Jeronimo Palantla

In the 1970 I was a handicrafts buyer and was introduced to the municipality of Chilapa by my friends the Mendoz's , of Ocotlan, Oaxaca , her brother lived in Chilapa. At that time the town was a center for palm weaveing , which were made into hats and sombreros and bags that were sold on the beaches of Acapulco some 4 hours away.  I first saw this traditional dress during those days of going to Chilapa to pick up and ship palm bags for export to the US. However I was never able to find a way to get up to Palantla. 

 When I started the documentation project  I first started in the town of Atzacualoya , where the leader of the collective warned me not to go alone. When I insisted that I was going they brought out and uncle who knew the way and off we went. 

  Arriving in the town most people were suprised to see a gringo in town and the guide helped immensly when we needed to find Tomasa the seamstress. 

Atzacualoya, Guerrero, Mexico near San Jeronimo Palantla